A white girlie with red hair, black sweatpants, and a ponytail - standing ankle-deep in the ocean, smiling, while turning around and flipping the camera off. Not a flattering image.

About the Author

Meme edit of a card game. The table reads "una conversación casual" while the card that the man labled as "yo" is about to slam down upon is bears the title "el problema es el capitalismo".

I’m a writer, potter, climber, competitive Pokémon player, painter, gay ass, medical mystery with two degrees in literature. I cannot do a pull-up YET.

Follow me on Instagram for my eclectic hobbies (and books), on Tumblr for everything else (including books), and on Bluesky if you’d prefer I don’t post.

In front of a blue background mountain range stands a figure in suit and tie. Instead of a head, it has a bell-pepper (with eyes) hovering above its rigid collar. It's a knock-off of René Magritte's painting The Art of Living.

Famous bell-pepper self-portrait.